Articoli Internazionali
Coronally advanced flap associated with a connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple recession defects in mandibular posterior teeth. De Sanctis M, Baldini N, Goracci C, Zucchelli G.Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011 Nov-Dec;31(6):623-30 Author of the following book : Periodontal Plastic surgery M. de Sanctis e G.Zucchelli – Edizioni Martina (BO) 1997
Bone modelling at fresh extraction sockets: immediate implant placement versus spontaneous healing: an experimental study in the beagle dog.Vignoletti F, Discepoli N, Müller A, De Sanctis M, Muñoz F, Sanz M. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Jan;39(1):91-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01803.x. Epub 2011 Oct 23.
Non-carious cervical lesions associated with gingival recessions: a decision-making process.Zucchelli G, Gori G, Mele M, Stefanini M, Mazzotti C, Marzadori M, Montebugnoli L, De Sanctis M.J Periodontol. 2011 Dec;82(12):1713-24. Epub 2011 May 4
Deproteinized bovine bone in periodontal and implant surgery.Baldini N, De Sanctis M, Ferrari M.Dent Mater. 2011 Jan;27(1):61-70. Epub 2010 Nov 27. Review
Root Coverage Esthetic Score Following the Treatment of Gingival Recession. An Inter-Rater Agreement Study Among Different Clinical Centres. Cairo F, Nieri M, Cattabriga M, Cortellini P, De Paoli S, De Sanctis M, Fonzar A, Francetti L, Merli M, Rasperini G, Silvestri M, Trombelli L, Zucchelli G, Pini-Prato GP. J Periodontol. 2010 (accepted for publication)
Patient morbidity and root coverage outcome after subepithelial connective tissue and de-epithelialized grafts: a comparative randomized-controlled clinical trial. Zucchelli G, Mele M, Stefanini M, Mazzotti C, Marzadori M, Montebugnoli L, de Sanctis M. J Clin Periodontol. 2010 Aug 1;37(8):728-38.
Immediate implants at fresh extraction sockets: an experimental study in the beagle dog comparing four different implant systems. Soft tissue findings. de Sanctis M, Vignoletti F, Discepoli N, Muñoz F, Sanz M. J Clin Periodontol. 2010 Aug 1;37(8):769-76)
Early healing of implants placed into fresh extraction sockets: an experimental study in the beagle dog. III: soft tissue findings. Vignoletti F, de Sanctis M, Berglundh T, Abrahamsson I, Sanz M. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Dec;36(12):1059-66
Early healing of implants placed into fresh extraction sockets: an experimental study in the beagle dog. II: ridge alterations. Vignoletti F, de Sanctis M, Berglundh T, Abrahamsson I, Sanz M. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Aug;36(8):688-97. Epub 2009 Jun 26
Coronally advanced flap with and without vertical releasing incisions for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a comparative controlled randomized clinical trial. Zucchelli G, Mele M, Mazzotti C, Marzadori M, Montebugnoli L, De Sanctis M. J Periodontol. 2009 Jul;80(7):1083-94
Immediate implants at fresh extraction sockets: bone healing in four different implant systems. de Sanctis M, Vignoletti F, Discepoli N, Zucchelli G, Sanz M. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Aug;36(8):705-11.
Early healing of implants placed into fresh extraction sockets: an experimental study in the beagle dog. De novo bone formation. Vignoletti F, Johansson C, Albrektsson T, De Sanctis M, San Roman F, Sanz M. J Clin Periodontol. 2009 Mar;36(3):265-77.
A novel approach to minimizing gingival recession in the treatment of vertical bony defects. Zucchelli G, De Sanctis M. J Periodontol. 2008 Mar;79(3):567-74.
Periodontal tissue engineering and regeneration: Consensus Report of the Sixth European Workshop on Periodontology. Palmer RM, Cortellini P; Bosshardt D, Cairo F, Christgau M, De Sanctis M, Etienne D, Fourmousis I, Hughes F, Jepsen S, Sculean A, Sicilia A, Trombelli L, Van der Velden U, Yilmaz S (Group B of European Workshop on Periodontology). J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Sep;35(8 Suppl):83-6
Post placement affects survival of endodontically treated premolars. Ferrari M, Cagidiaco MC, Grandini S, De Sanctis M, Goracci C. J Dent Res. 2007 Aug;86(8):729-34.
The coronally advanced flap for the treatment of multiple recession defects: a modified surgical approach for the upper anterior teeth. M. De Sanctis & G. Zucchelli J Int Acad Periodontol. 2007 Jul;9(3):96-103
Coronally advanced flap : a modified surgical approach for isolated recession type defects. 3 years resuts M. De Sanctis & G. Zucchelli J Clin Periodontol. 2007 Mar;34(3):262-8.
Multiple papilla preservation technique: A conservative approach for the access to multiple horizontal bone defects in aesthetic areas of the mouth. M. de Sanctis & G. Zucchelli Journal de Parodontologie d’Implantologie. Special Issue 2006 Vol 25 (3): 1-13
Clinical and anatomical factors limiting treatment outcomes of gingival recession: a new method to predetermine the line of root coverage. Zucchelli G, Testori T, De Sanctis M. J Periodontol. 2006 Apr;77(4):714-21.
Long-term outcome following treatment of multiple Miller class I and II recession defects in esthetic areas of the mouth. G.Zucchelli; Sanctis J Periodontol. 2005 Dec;76(12):2286-92.
“The papilla amplification flap. A novel surgical approach to narrow interproximal spaces in regenerative procedures “. G. Zucchelli; M. de Sanctis Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2005 Oct;25(5):483-93.
“Laterally moved, coronally advanced flap: a modified surgical approach for isolated recession type of defects”. M. de Sanctis (in coll con G. Zucchelli C. Cesari, C. Amore, L. Montebugnoli) J Periodontol Dec 2004
“Enamel Matrix Proteins and Bovine Porous Bone Mineral in the treatment of intrabony defect. A comparative controlled clinical trial”. M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G. Zucchelli,C. Amore, L. Montebugnoli) J Periodontol 2003; 74: 1725-1735
“Bilaminar techniques for the treatment of recession type defects. A comparative clinical study”. M. de Sanctis in coll. con G. Zucchelli, C. Amore, L. Montebugnoli J Clin Periodontol 2003; 30: 862-870
“Enamel matrix proteins and guided tissue regeneration with titanium-reinforced expanded polytetrafluoroetrhylene membranes in the treatment of intrabony defects: a comparative controlled clinical trial”. M. de Sanctis in coll. con G. Zucchelli,F. Bernardi,L. Montebugnoli) J Periodontol 2002;73:3-12.
GTR treatment of intrabony defects in patients with early-onset and chronic adult periodontitis M. de Sanctis ( in coll. con G. Zucchelli,C. Brini) Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2002;22:323-333
“Treatment of multiple recession type defects in patients with aesthetic demands”. G. Zucchelli ;M. de Sanctis J Periodontol 2000 : 71 ;1506-1514
The role of resective periodontal surgery in the treatment of furcation defects M. de Sanctis e K. G. Murphy Periodontology 2000 ; 2000
Interleukine- 1 gene polymorphisms and long term stability following guided tissue regeneration therapy M. de Sanctis e G.Zucchelli J. Periodontol. 2000 Apr;71(4):606-13
The Effect of clorexidine mouthrinses on early bacterial colonization of guided tissue regeneration membranes. An “in vivo study”. M. de Sanctis e G. Zucchelli J. Periodontol. 2000 Feb;71(2):263-71.
“The effect of chlorhexidine mouthrinses on early plaque colonization of GTR membrane materials. An “in vivo study”. M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G. Zucchelli,F.Pollini,C. Clauser) J Periodontol 2000,71 (2):263-71
“Genetic test (PST®â) and long term stability after GTR”. M. de Sanctis in coll. con G . Zucchelli .,C. Brini Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di Parodontologia, Milano, 6-8 Maggio 1999. Pag 70-76.
Topical and systemic antimicrobial therapy in guided tissue regeneration M. de Sanctis (in coll. con M. N. Sforza – C. Clauser – C. Cesari) J. Periodontol. 1999
Early plaque accumulation on Guided Tissue Regeneration membrane materials. An in vivo study. M. de Sanctis (in coll. Con G. Zucchelli,G. Cesari,C. Clauser) J Periodontol 1998; 69: 1193-1202
Mucogingival versus GTR procedures in the treatment of deep recession type defects. M. de Sanctis in coll. con G. Zucchelli,C. Clauser M.Calandriello Abstract Europerio2 Firenze 15-17 Maggio 1997 J Clin Periodontol 1998 pag 871(Abstract No 100)
Early plaque accumulation on GTR membrane materials. An in vivo study. Abstract Europerio2 Firenze 15-17 Maggio 1997 Sanctis in coll. con G. Zucchelli,C . Cesari) J Clin Periodontol 1998 pag 857 (Abstract No 44)
A controlled multicenter study of adjunctive use of tetracycline periodontal fibers in mandibular classII furcartions with persistent bleeding. Tonetti MS,Cortellini P,Carnevale G,Cattabriga M,de Sanctis M,Pini Prato GP: J Clin Periodontol 1998
Early bacterial accumulation on guided tissue regeneration membrane materials an “in vivo study” M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G. Zucchelli – C. Clauser – C. Cesari) J. Periodontol. 1998
Mucogingival versus GTR procedures in the treatment of deep recession type defects M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G.Zucchelli – C.Clauser – M.Calandriello) J. Periodontol. 1997
Treatment of recession type defect associated with bucco-lingual attachment loss. a 5-year, a case report M. de Sanctis e G. Zucchelli International Journal Periodontics Restorative Dentistry 1997
Integrated connective tissue in resorbable barrier material and periodontal regeneration M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G.Zucchelli – C.Clauser) J.Periodontol (in 1997)
Bacterial colonization of barrier material: how does it affect clinical outcome? M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G. Zucchelli ,C.Clauser) Dental Abstracts, Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 1997; Vol 42, No 3, pag 151
Bacterial colonization of bioabsorbable barrier material and periodontal regeneration M. de Sanctis (in coll. con G. Zucchelli – C.Clauser) J. Periodontol 1996; 67:1193-1200
Guided tissue regeneration with a resorbable barrier membrane (Vicryl) for the management of buccal recession: a case report. M. de Sanctis – G.Zucchelli The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry Vol. 16- 1996; 5;435-441
Bacterial colonization of barrier material and periodontal regeneration M. de Sanctis ( in coll.G.Zucchelli – C.Clauser) J Clin Periodontol 1996; 23:1039-1046.
Guided tissue regeneration with a resorbable barrier membrane (Vycril) for the management of buccal recessions: A case report M. de Sanctis & G. Zucchelli Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1996; 16: 435-441
La chirurgie plastique des tissus mous dans le traitement des rècessions gingivales; critères de succès dans le recouvrement radiculaire M. de Sanctis e G.Zucchelli – “Journal de parodontologie & d’Implantologie orale” Vol. 15 1/96: 7-18
Clinical and microbiological aspects of guided tissue regeneration. M. de Sanctis & G. Zucchelli Journal de Parodontologie & de D’Implantologie Orale 1994 (Special Issue) Abstracts Europerio 1; pag 34
Root resection and root amputation M. de Sanctis e G.P. Pini Prato – “Current Opinion in Periodontology” 1993: 105-110
Guided tissue regeneration procedure in the treatment of human recession:case report M. de Sanctis (in coll. con P.Cortellini – G.P. Pini Prato – C. Baldi – C.Clauser) Int. Journal Periont. Rest. Dent. Vol. 11-6-1991
Guided tissue regeneration procedure using a fibrin fibronectin system in surgically induced recessions in dogs M. de Sanctis (in coll. con P.Cortellini – G.P. Pini Prato – C.Baldi – C.Clauser Int. Journal Periont. Rest. Dent. Vol. 11-2-1991:
Soft tissue plastic surgery M. de Sanctis e G.P. Pini Prato -“Current Opinion in dentistry” (Current Science Ltd., Philadelphia) 1: 1991
Effects of a 1% Chlorhexidine gel [(corsodyl (r)] on the bone resorption and inflammation in the experimentally induced periodontitis in dogs. M. de Sanctis (in coll. con P.Cortellini – G.P. Pini Prato – C.Clauser – P.Luzzi – C.Miracco) International Journal of Periodontics Restorative Dentistry Vol. 10; 5, 1990:393-407
Effect of clorexidin gel (corsodyl) on bone resorption in experimental periodontitis. M. de Sanctis (in coll. con P.Cortellini – G.P. Pini Prato – C.Clauser – C.Baldi) Journal of periodontology 61; 1990: 311-312. (1989 AAP Research Forum)
Attachment gain and ephithelium displacement following resective surgery in dogs. M. de Sanctis (in coll. con P.Cortellini – G.P. Pini Prato – C.Clauser) Journal of Periodontology 60; 1989: 728-729 (1988 AAP Research Forum)
Coronal displacement of the junctional epithelium and attachment gain following apically positioned flap with bone resective surgery in dogs M. de Sanctis (in coll. con P.Cortellini – C.Clauser – G.P. Pini Prato) International Journal Periodontics Restorative Dentistry 4; 1988: 65-76